What It Means: According to www.dictionary .com, recursive means "pertaining to or using a rule or procedure that can be applied repeatedly"
Level of Familiarity: After looking up the definition of this word, I remember hearing it before in past conversations but have little to no familiarity with the definition.
Do I Want to Know This Word Well and Why?: I have already begun to familiarize myself with this word so it becomes part of my long term memory. It is a word that can be used in many different contexts. Being certified in Social Studies education, I have often heard the phrase, "History repeats itself." Next time I hear someone say that to me, I plan on saying, "Yes I agree, history tends to be quite recursive." Interested to see the reactions I get. :)
Do I think Others Should Know This word Well...if So Who and Why?: This is another word that is transportable. It can be used in multiple contexts and subject areas. I believe it would be advantageous for anyone to learn this word. Not only is it a good vocabulary term, but it also encourages people to look for patterns and procedures after hearing it.