Strategy 5: Comprehension Guide (Anticipation Guide)

Level of Expertise: 5
Strategy 5: Anticipation Guide

What is the instructional strategy?
This instructional strategy is an anticipation guide which will support my students’ comprehension both before and during the short online film clip “Pearl Harbor” from

Why does the strategy work?
Anticipation guides are a great way to activate and assess the prior knowledge of my students. It serves as a guide of the most significant concepts that they will need to focus on. Students will be motivated to think critically in order to correct or verify their predictions of the Pearl Harbor video.

How does it work?
1.      In order to use anticipation guides, I must first determine the most important concepts of the video students will need to know and understand.
2.      I will create a list of statements that support or challenge student’s belief and knowledge.
3.      Students are given the guide and asked to complete the first column to the best of their ability. This can be done individually or in groups.
4.      We will review students answers and opinions before viewing the video.
5.      Students view the video and take detailed notes and then revisit the guide to complete the second column.
6.      As a class we will discuss responses to the questions. Students can debate or defend their answers using evidence or information from the video.

Sources References:
What does it look like?
See hard copy.