Tuesday, October 19, 2010

7:3 Recursive

When and Where Did I Find It: I heard this word for the first time during Session 7 of our LTED 625 class. I do not remember the content in which this word was used, but as soon as I heard it, I looked at Jenny and said "THAT is going to be one of my next words for my blog!"

What It Means: According to www.dictionary .com, recursive means "pertaining to or using a rule or procedure that can be applied repeatedly"

Level of Familiarity: After looking up the definition of this word, I remember hearing it before in past conversations but have little to no familiarity with the definition.

Do I Want to Know This Word Well and Why?: I have already begun to familiarize myself with this word so it becomes part of my long term memory. It is a word that can be used in many different contexts. Being certified in Social Studies education, I have often heard the phrase, "History repeats itself." Next time I hear someone say that to me, I plan on saying, "Yes I agree, history tends to be quite recursive." Interested to see the reactions I get. :)

Do I think Others Should Know This word Well...if So Who and Why?: This is another word that is transportable. It can be used in multiple contexts and subject areas. I believe it would be advantageous for anyone to learn this word. Not only is it a good vocabulary term, but it also encourages people to look for patterns and procedures after hearing it.


  1. Brett, was this a word I used to describe the writing process and the notion that the process is not linear, but recursive? I'm curious to know if looking up the definition helped you to remember the context in which the term was used?

  2. I'm wondering also, if there was more to the definition? If I substitute your definition as written in the sentence you included, I'm not sure I understand what you are saying. If I am understanding what you have said here, then this is how your sentence would read:

    "Yes I agree, history tends to be a rule or procedure that can be applied repeatedly."

    Is this what you mean to say? I think you might need to add more to your definition.
