Monday, December 6, 2010

14:3 Android

When and Where Did I Find It? I recently purchased a new phone, the Droid 2. My friends immediately started to argue about the difference of which phones are droids and which are androids. The answer I have them was that all smart phones are androids, but my specific brand is the Droid line.

What It Means? According to, an android is “an automation in the form of a human being.”
Level of Familiarity: I am not familiar with this at all. I only recently started to learn about this when I purchased my new phone.
Do I Want to Know This Word Well and Why? I am indifferent on this term. I think that we have become much too reliant on technology. However, with such advantages and convenience available, it is hard to resist. I am glad I learned more about droids and androids though, so I can be prepared the next time people want to debate.
Do I Want Others to Know This Word Well…if so Who and Why? I think it would be beneficial for others to familiarize themselves with this term. Androids have replaced many of the phones that are out on the market today. They are capable of extraordinary tasks in very little time. Some are more affordable than others, but they are a great tool to have on your person.

1 comment:

  1. Brett, I do agree that the saturation of advertisements for the variety of social media tools can make one's head spin.

    What did you find to be the definition of the droid versus the android?
