Wednesday, September 29, 2010

5:1 Magnitude

When and Where Did I Find It: I chose this word while reading the article Lauren chose for her reciprocal teaching. This article is “Teaching Students to Comprehend Informational Text Through Rereading” by Laura R. Hedin and Greg Conderman. The sentance it was located in is as follows; "Astronomers measure how the stars' magnitudes, or brightnesses, and rotations change.

What It Means: In this context, magnitude refers to the level of brightness of a star. According to, Magnitude is defined as size; extent; dimensions of something, or it could also mean of great importance or consequence.

Level of Familarity: I am familiar with this word to a small degree, but have never used it in a sentence or conversation before.

Do I Want to Know This Word Well and Why? I would like to learn this word and become more familiar with it because it can be used in a variety of different ways. Also, this word seems strong and bold to me. I feel like this word is taken and used in very serious or important conversations. This word has a high level of transportability.

Do I Think Others Should Know This Word Well..if So who and Why? I think this is an interesting word for people to familiarize themselves with. It is used to describe something of significance and can give a conversation a more serious tone when used. As I already meantioned, this word is highly transportable. This means people can use the word in many different contexts and discourses.


  1. Brett, as a part of your explanation of where you found the word and what it means it is important to give the specific location (page number). Also, if this word was used in a sentence or the authors provide a definition, this information needs to be included as well.

    Finally, be sure to include the publication date of the article, according to APA guidelines.

  2. Sorry for the additional post, but as I read through your last two comments in your entry, it seems to make it even more important that you include the ACTUAL sentence from the article. This would help to illustrate the seriousness of the topics in the article as well as to demonstrate the usefulness of knowing what this word means.
