Monday, November 29, 2010

12:1 Status Quo

When and Where Did I Find It: I heard this word while sitting in the faculty room having lunch the other day. I was not a part of this conversation but overheard a woman say, “Doesn’t matter to any of us now. If Janet already brought this to the principal then the status quo has changed.”

What It Means?: According to , Status quo means “the existing state or condition.”

Level of Familiarity: I knew this word had something to do with a situation, but wasn’t sure if there was a more specific focus than that.

Do I Want to Know This Word Well and Why? I was fairly intrigued by this word when I heard it used in conversation. I am determined to become more familiarized with this word. It can relate to my content area teaching through the discussion of current events.
Do I Think Others Should Know This Word Well..if so Who and Why? It would be useful for others to familiarize themselves with this word. Status quo can relate to any person in any discourse and is a highly transportable word. This could potentially student comprehension and retention of other related information.

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