Monday, November 29, 2010

12:3 Sublime

When and Where Did I Find It: I encountered this word while teaching at Penfield H.S. today. A girl was wearing a t-shirt in honor of the musical group “Sublime” Someone asked her what the name meant, and nobody in the class knew the definition.

What It Means?: According to, sublime means,”Lofty, grand, or exhalted in thought, expression, or manner.

Level of Familiarity: I am not familiar with this word at all.

Do I Want to Know This Word Well and Why? I was very interested to look up the meaning of this word for the class. Especially since it is a word many of us have used, heard, or encountered through media, but may have not thought to understand. After finding out what the definition was, I can confidently say the pumpkin caramel cheesecake I had over the weekend was truly sublime.

Do I Think Others Should Know This Word Well..if so Who and Why? I think it would be useful for you to become more familiar with this word. This gives people an adjective to use for some of the things they are passionate about. It also has the ability/potential to be transferred to multiple discourses.

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