Tuesday, November 30, 2010

13:2 Minotaur

When and Where Did I Find It? I chose this word from the movie "Role Models". The main characters were selling an energy drink called "Minotaur" and had a minotaur mascot as well.

What It Means? According to www.dictioary.com, a minotaur is "The son of Pasiphae by a sacred bull, in body half man, half bull slain by Thesus.


Level of Familiarity: I have never heard of this word before and was hesitant to even lok it up because I easn't sure if it was ral or not.

Do I Want to Know This Word Well and Why? I was intrigued to find out this word was not only real bu Greek. I am 50% Greek and my moher is 100%%. Because of this I tend to take interest when I hear something is Greek. greek and Latin are the two most common roots of all words. I also like to hear about Greek mythology.

Do I Want Others to Know This Word Well..if so Who and Why? I do not think this is an important word for students to familiarize themselves with. It sounds intersting, and I do ecourage people to look into Greek mythology. However, studying this word would serve little purpose is most people's vocabulary.

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